Language Blends
Blends meaning a word formed by merging the sounds and meanings of two or more other workd or word parts.
Examples of language blends:
Code Mixing
Code mixing refers to the mixing of two or more languages or language varieties in speech.
Blends meaning a word formed by merging the sounds and meanings of two or more other workd or word parts.
Examples of language blends:
Motorcade = motor + cavalcadeSource
Alcopop = alcohol + pop
Bash = bat + mash
Camcorder = camera + recorder
Chexting = cheating + texting
Docudrama = documentary + drama
Emoticon = emote + icon
Flare = Flame + glare
Flirtationship = flirting + relationship
Infotainment = information + entertainment
Edutaining = educational + entertaining
Sitcom = situation + comedy
Staycation = stay home + vacation
Telegenic = television + photogenic
Workaholic = work + alcoholic
Code Mixing
Code mixing refers to the mixing of two or more languages or language varieties in speech.
- Margo City mengadakan midnight sale dalam rangka perayaan Tahun Baru.
- Kita punya surprise loh buat kamu!
- Setamat SMA, dia mendapat pekerjaan sebagai cleaning service di sebuah perusahaan di Jakarta.
- Di video yang kami tonton, para model melenggok dengan cantik di catwalk.
- Aku baru tahu, ternyata Tanti punya secret admirer.
- Karena pekerjaan menumpuk, aku memutuskan untuk memesan delivery untuk menghemat waktu.
- "Boleh ya aku ikut sama kamu, please?"
- Setiap hari, kakakku pakai high heels ke kantor. Aku sih, nggak bisa.
- Pertandingan sepak bola tadi malam disiarkan secara live dari Istora Senayan.
- D'Masiv akan perform di acara Pentas Seni SMA Al-Hasra bulan Juni nanti.
- Mahasiswa Universitas Gunadarma yang ingin melihat contoh PI tahun lalu harus login menggunakan username dan password studentsite masing-masing.