Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Language Blends and Code Mixing

Language Blends
Blends meaning a word formed by merging the sounds and meanings of two or more other workd or word parts.

Examples of language blends:
Motorcade = motor + cavalcade
Alcopop = alcohol + pop
Bash = bat + mash
Camcorder = camera + recorder
Chexting = cheating + texting
Docudrama = documentary + drama
Emoticon = emote + icon
Flare = Flame + glare
Flirtationship = flirting + relationship
Infotainment = information + entertainment
Edutaining = educational + entertaining
Sitcom = situation + comedy
Staycation = stay home + vacation
Telegenic = television + photogenic
Workaholic = work + alcoholic

Code Mixing
Code mixing refers to the mixing of two or more languages or language varieties in speech.


  • Margo City mengadakan midnight sale dalam rangka perayaan Tahun Baru.
  • Kita punya surprise loh buat kamu!
  • Setamat SMA, dia mendapat pekerjaan sebagai cleaning service di sebuah perusahaan di Jakarta.
  • Di video yang kami tonton, para model melenggok dengan cantik di catwalk.
  • Aku baru tahu, ternyata Tanti punya secret admirer.
  • Karena pekerjaan menumpuk, aku memutuskan untuk memesan delivery untuk menghemat waktu.
  • "Boleh ya aku ikut sama kamu, please?"
  • Setiap hari, kakakku pakai high heels ke kantor. Aku sih, nggak bisa.
  • Pertandingan sepak bola tadi malam disiarkan secara live dari Istora Senayan.
  • D'Masiv akan perform di acara Pentas Seni SMA Al-Hasra bulan Juni nanti. 
  • Mahasiswa Universitas Gunadarma yang ingin melihat contoh PI tahun lalu harus login menggunakan  username dan password studentsite masing-masing.

Jumat, 02 Mei 2014

Short Report

Title                : Information and updates regarding Kuroko No Basket
Summary        : The audience urge the anime author and television network to
                         announce the certainty of Kuroko No Basket Season 3's
                         broadcast date and time and if there is gonna be Kurobas Cup 2014
Main Focus    : The main focus areas that the audience was asked to announce are:

  1. Kuroko No Basket Season 3 broadcast time and date. It has been a month since the last episode of season 2 and there is still no word regarding season 3, the audience is getting agitated. The story just getting warmed up and the audience is worried that the time they take to announce it meaning that there will be no season 3.
  2. The Kurobas Cup 2013 that happen around summer last year was a huge success. The event featured most of the voice actors from the Seirin basketball team along with Kise, Midorima, Aomine, Takao and Momoi, whose performed known character songs and special voice performance featuring an untold story. And the fans want to know if there is gonna be another Kurobas Cup 2014.